Solar panels at food pantry funded by Community Foundation endowment

Early in 2022, the Greene County Christian Action Resource Center applied for a grant from the Greene County Community Foundation (GCCF) to install solar panels on the food pantry facility. The GCCF board approved to fund this project with an award of $32,227.

Finally, this dream of tapping the sun for electricity is coming true. The solar panels were installed Sept. 28, and with just a few more steps to finish the project, the Greene County ARC will soon be saving $600 per month in utility costs. “Those extra funds can be used to buy food for those in need rather than pay for electricity,” said Shirley Haupert, food pantry director.

GCCF board members are thrilled with this project because it was funded by using funds from the Greene County Community Foundation’s endowment accounts. The GCCF endowment has been growing, in part, from donations made by community members over the years. Currently the endowment accounts have a balance over $1.3 million. From those funds, the board can use up to 5 percent each year to fund projects that benefit Greene County. This year, the Alice Walters estate was a large donor to the endowment. As the GCCF slogan says, these funds will serve Greene County “for good, forever.” 

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